Customer Success

Exchange Solutions cut overall response times by half and storage platform response times by 80%


Speed is a critical element in the success of Exchange Solutions’ loyalty programs. They also require security, scalability, and fl exibility, and their aging infrastructure wasn’t keeping up. They struggled to stay under their 200ms SLA. Payment Card Exchange_Solutions_thumbnail.pngIndustry compliance had become a necessity. As maintenance and licensing deadlines loomed ahead, renewal costs couldn’t be justifi ed. They wanted to grow their customer base and acquire larger clients but had to demonstrate assured performance and security fi rst. The fi nancial success of the business had come to depend upon effective and effi cient technology. It was time to examine options that would do the job and help them grow.


  • Kaminario K2 increased platform performance by 80%

  • PCI compliance

  • Simplified management

  • Ballooning maintenance costs avoided

  • Compression and deduplication included

  • Five-year maintenance provides price stability
